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The global pandemic has taught us a valuable lesson, Minnesotans don’t always have a voice when it comes to the policy decisions made by our government. It’s because of this lesson the Foundation for Minnesota’s Future is being developed.






The Issues Affecting Minnesota

Rise in Crime Rate

As of June of this year in the City of Minneapolis alone the murder rate has risen by 83% and overall violent crime is up 21%.

It’s no secret that the rise in crime is part due to the embrace of the “Defund the Police” ideology of a few extremists in state and local government. Governor Walz specifically appears to be beheld by these extremists.

In the early stages of the riots last year Governor Walz refused to provide adequate resources to law enforcement to put a stop to riots in Minneapolis. His lack of leadership enabled lawlessness that continues to this day. The radical anti-police movement has made Minnesota less safe. 

Governor Walz’s One Person Rule

The pandemic allowed the governor to declare a state of emergency. That state of emergency has lasted 467 days and counting. It’s no wonder why Minnesotans feel they have lost their voice when it comes to our legislative process. With the State reopening. It’s time to end the State of Emergency and allow our government to work the way it is intended with accountability and oversight.

Small Businesses Devastated 

Governor Walz’s business restrictions have devastated our economy and our workers. As our unemployment rate skyrocketed, businesses asked Minnesota politicians for assistance and many received none while the state struggled to distribute relief. Worse yet, businesses in neighboring states received very few restrictions and are able to provide uninterrupted services to their residents.

Untimely Tax Increases

As Minnesota declared a budget surplus with private businesses suffering Governor Tim Walz joined special interest organizations in calling for new tax increases. Minnesota already has the 3rd highest state corporate tax rate in the entire nation. Additional tax increases would further harm our economy and Minnesota’s families.

Vaccine Rollout Failure

Known worldwide for our health care facilities and research centers, Minnesota should be leading the nation in COVID vaccinations. Yet under the failed leadership of Governor Walz, Minnesota has consistently ranked behind our neighbors Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Iowa as well as states like West Virginia, New Mexico, and Oklahoma, in vaccine distribution.

Governor Walz had months to prepare a vaccine distribution plan. His decision to maintain tight bureaucratic control over vaccine distribution has left too many families at risk.

Schools Closed

Public schools have suffered while private schools just miles away are building policies that allow students to learn. The effects of Minnesota’s school closures will be felt for many years. Our most needy students will feel the effects of the education gap created by policies with no clear direction. This is unacceptable.

Latest Minnesota News

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